Music Calms The Beast

You have probably heard the saying that “Music calms the savage beast,” well this saying is a true statement and is implied in many Veterinary clinics along with many boarding facilites.

There has been a large study on the benefits of music therapy on our furry family members. The study has shown to lower their respiratory rates and their Cortisol hormone production. The Cortisol hormone is also known as the stress hormone.

These benefits are ones that we strive to implement everyday to our guests and music is defiantly one thing that we use to help those guests who struggle a little more than others.

The study showed that canines were not as picky on their music type as felines, which if you have ever owned one then you can defiantly agree with this. Felines showed to prefer to listen to music that sounded like a rumbling purr or birds chirping, again shocker I know.

The music that showed the best to work for both species was soft and slow, classical, and classical oldies. Many musicians became very intrigued by these studies and they started to work on some albums for our furry friends.

Joshua Leeds is one of those artists who created the album “Through a Dog’s Ear,” which is played at many clinics and facilities just like ours. David Teie is another musician who created the album “Music for Cats.” It has been approved by the feline family to be a favorite.

Have you tried everything and your fur baby is still struggling with anxiety? The next time you go to leave your fur baby at home, trying leaving some music playing for them.

Our goal has always been and will be to provide a low stress environment for your fur babies to come to and enjoy. The music has helped our guests so much and we strongly suggest this method to our owners.

We hope this provides another source to try with those high anxiety fur kiddos. Have a great day and let us know if this has helped.
